Chmod Calculator – A Linux Permissions Calculator

Read Write Execute


Numeric Notation: 000

Symbolic Notation: u=rwx,go=rx

Basics of Permissions in Linux

Linux has three user types: owner, group, and others. Each user can have different permissions for files. Here is a reference table explaining the Linux user categories:

OwnerThe owner is the user who created and owns the file or directory.
GroupThe group refers to a collection of members who share common file permissions.
OthersOthers include all users who are neither members of the group nor the owner. They can read, write, or execute files based on the permissions set by the owner or the superuser.

In Linux, users have three types of permissions to manage files: read, write, and execute. Here is a reference table of Linux permissions and their descriptions:

ReadrAllows users to read, view, and download files.
WritewAllows users to write content, create, modify, or delete files.
ExecutexAllows users to execute files, open applications, or run scripts.
No permissionRestricts users from reading, writing, or executing files or directories.

These permissions can be represented in two formats: symbolic representation and numeric representation. The numeric notation, like chmod 755, represents file permissions using digits from 0 to 7, where each digit denotes a different permission set. Here is a table illustrating the numeric notation of file permissions:

Permission ValueBinary Representation (rwx)Permission Description
0000No permissions
1001Execute permission only
2010Write permission only
3011Write and execute permissions
4100Read permission only
5101Read and execute permissions
6110Read and write permissions
7111Read, write, and execute permissions