How to Kill a Process in Linux with Examples

In Linux, a process is an instance of a running program. Processes can be system processes, user processes, or services running in the background. Each process is assigned a unique identifier known as the Process ID (PID), which allows the system and users to track and manage it. Whether it’s dealing with unresponsive applications or terminating unnecessary processes, knowing how to kill processes in Linux is an essential skill for system administrators and power users alike.

This comprehensive guide will cover various methods to kill processes, including using the process ID (PID) and terminating all processes by a specific user. We’ll also explore some common commands and scenarios.

Process States

Processes in Linux can be in various states during their lifecycle. Understanding these states is crucial for effective process management.

  1. Running (R): The process is either executing on the CPU or waiting to be executed.
  2. Sleeping (S): The process is waiting for an event to occur (e.g., I/O operation). There are two types of sleeping states:
    • Interruptible Sleep (S): The process can be awakened by signals.
    • Uninterruptible Sleep (D): The process is waiting for a hardware condition and cannot be interrupted.
  3. Stopped (T): The process has been stopped, usually by receiving a signal.
  4. Zombie (Z): The process has completed execution, but its exit status is not yet read by its parent process.

Listing Running Processes

Before killing a process, it’s often necessary to list the running processes to identify the target process. Here are some commonly used commands to list processes:

The ps Command

The ps command provides a snapshot of the current processes. It has various options to display different levels of detail.

ps aux

This command lists all processes with detailed information, including the user, PID, CPU usage, memory usage, and command.

The top Command

The top command displays real-time information about running processes, including their resource usage.


This command provides a dynamic view of the system’s processes, updating the information periodically.

The htop Command

htop is an enhanced version of top with a more user-friendly interface and additional features.


This command provides an interactive view of the system’s processes, allowing for easier navigation and management.

The pgrep Command

pgrep allows users to search for processes by name and other attributes, returning their PIDs.

pgrep [process_name]

Basic Commands to Kill a Process

Managing processes is an essential part of maintaining a stable and efficient Linux system. Among the various tasks, knowing how to kill a process is crucial.

The kill Command

The kill command is the most straightforward method for terminating a process. It sends a signal to the process specified by its Process ID (PID). The most commonly used signal is SIGTERM (signal number 15), which politely requests the process to terminate. If the process does not respond, the SIGKILL (signal number 9) can be used to forcefully terminate it.


kill [signal] PID

To terminate a process with PID 1234:

kill 1234

Using kill with Different Signals

Linux supports a variety of signals that can be sent to processes. Some of the most commonly used signals include:

SIGTERM (15): Requests the process to terminate. This is the default signal if no signal is specified.

SIGKILL (9): Forces the process to terminate immediately. The process cannot ignore this signal.

SIGINT (2): Interrupts the process, similar to pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal.


Terminating a Process

kill 5678

This command sends the SIGTERM signal to the process with PID 5678, allowing it to terminate gracefully.

Forcing a Process to Terminate

kill -9 5678

This command sends the SIGKILL signal to the process with PID 5678, forcing it to stop immediately.

Interrupting a Process

kill -2 5678

This command sends the SIGINT signal to the process with PID 5678, interrupting its execution.

Verifying Process Termination

After issuing a kill command, it’s prudent to verify that the process has indeed terminated. This can be done using the ps command to check for the presence of the process.

ps -p 5678

If the process has been terminated, this command will not return any output. If the process is still running, it will display the process details.

Killing Multiple Processes

To kill multiple processes simultaneously, you can use a loop or combine kill with other commands like pgrep or ps.

Example using pgrep:

kill $(pgrep [process_name])

This command finds all PIDs of processes with the specified name and sends the SIGTERM signal to each.

The killall Command

The killall command terminates all instances of a specified process by name. This is useful when you need to stop multiple processes of the same program without finding their PIDs individually.


killall [options] process_name

Killing a Process by Name

To terminate all instances of a process named firefox:

killall firefox

If the processes do not respond, you can forcefully terminate them:

killall -9 firefox

The pkill Command

The pkill command is similar to killall but provides more flexibility. It allows you to kill processes based on various criteria such as process name, user, and other attributes. This command can be particularly powerful for managing processes owned by a specific user or matching a particular pattern.


pkill [options] pattern

Killing All Processes by a User

To terminate all processes owned by the user john:

pkill -u john

Killing a Process by Name

To terminate all instances of a process named chrome:

pkill chrome

Killing Zombie Processes

A zombie process, also known as a defunct process, is a process that has completed execution but still has an entry in the process table. While zombies do not consume system resources, they can accumulate and cause system clutter.

Identifying Zombie Processes

Use the ps command to list processes and look for processes marked with Z (zombie):

ps aux | grep 'Z'

Eliminating Zombie Processes

Identify the parent process (PPID) of the zombie process. Terminate or restart the parent process to clean up the zombie:

kill -HUP PPID

If necessary, forcefully terminate the parent process:

kill -9 PPID

Killing All Processes by a User

In some situations, you may need to terminate all processes initiated by a specific user. This can be particularly useful for managing multi-user systems, handling misbehaving applications, or performing maintenance tasks.

Identifying Processes Owned by a User

Before terminating processes, it is essential to identify all processes owned by the user in question. Several commands can help you list these processes:

Using the ps Command

The ps command, combined with the -u option, allows you to list all processes owned by a specific user. To list all processes owned by the user john:

ps -u john

This command outputs a list of all processes owned by john, including their PIDs.

Using the pgrep Command

The pgrep command can also be used to list PIDs of processes owned by a specific user. To find the PIDs of all processes owned by john:

pgrep -u john

This command outputs the PIDs of all processes owned by john.

Killing All Processes Owned by a User

Once you have identified the processes, you can use various commands to terminate them. The pkill and killall commands are particularly effective for this purpose.

Using the pkill Command

The pkill command is a powerful tool that can kill processes based on various criteria, including the user who owns them.

To kill all processes owned by the user john:

pkill -u john

This command sends the default SIGTERM signal to all processes owned by john, requesting them to terminate gracefully.

If the processes do not respond to SIGTERM, you can use the -9 option to send the SIGKILL signal and forcefully terminate them:

pkill -9 -u john

This command forcefully kills all processes owned by john.

Using the killall Command

The killall command can also be used to terminate all processes of a specific user by combining it with other commands.

First, list all processes owned by john and pass their PIDs to killall using xargs:

ps -u john -o pid= | xargs kill -9

This command lists all PIDs of processes owned by john and then forcefully terminates them using kill -9.


Killing processes in Linux is a fundamental skill for system administration. By understanding the various commands and options available, you can effectively manage and terminate processes as needed. Whether you’re dealing with a single unresponsive process or need to kill all processes by a user, the commands covered in this guide provide a comprehensive toolkit for process management.

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